October, 2017
Survey : Impact of Higher Electricity Prices on Businesses in Regional Queensland
Compass Research carried out surveys of businesses on the question over the period July to early October 2017 in the four representative regional districts of Queensland.
Analysis of intercensal population growth by usual place of residence indicated that over the period 2011 to 2016 the long-term pattern in regional Queensland continued with the Cairns/TNQ leading in growth followed by Wide Bay, and across the North the Cairns/TNQ region leading followed by he Northern Territory.
293kb (pdf note)
March, 2017
Statistical Note: Population Growth 2015-16
The Cairns/Peninsula Australia (Tropical North Queensland) region continued a long-term trend of leading the way in regional population growth across the North and in regional Queensland outside the southeast corner.
280kb (pdf note) Ref:J3071
March, 2017
Statistical Note: Level of Government building approvals major Northern Australian Regions
Illustrates the extremely low level of comparative Government Building Approvals in the Cairns Region over the past 5 years.
343kb (pdf note) Ref:J3101
March, 2017
Newspaper readership
Gives latest data on newspaper readership of major regional dallies indicating that the Cairns Post is right up there with Canberra, Townsville and ahead of Geelong & Sunshine Coast paper.
413kb (pdf note) Ref:J3100
February, 2017
"Learning the Economic Lessons of the Past 10 Years"
Address to the Cairns Forum for Business Growth (F4BG) outlining how the Cairns Economy has been heavily influenced and damaged by decisions at national and state level affecting fiscal and monetary policy, the Australian dollar and government spending levels in the region.
Analysis of latest job seeker numbers indicates that unemployment in the Cairns Region has peeked and is moving back down again, but has been continuing to rise in the Cairns and Rockhampton regions.
938kb (pdf note) Ref:J3032
November, 2016
A Review of the Cairns Economy provided to Cairns Chamber of Commerce
295kb (pdf text) RefJ3028
September, 2016
Presentation on the Cairns Economy
W S (Bill) Cummings presented a review of the Cairns Economy to the Cairns Professional Accountants Association.
The following is a comment provided to the Cairns Sun.
28kb (pdf note) Ref:J3001
July, 2016
Achieving "Lift Off" Trends & Prospects for the Cairns / Tropical North QLD Economy
Bill Cummings presented his annual review of the economy to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce on 26th July 2016.
2mb (pdf presentation)
149kb (pdf text) RefJ2992
June, 2016
Statistical Note - Queensland Budget
This note analyses the Queensland budget capital expenditure by regions (Statistical Area Level 4). It indicates that again the Cairns region had the lowest per capita spending outside of Greater Brisbane area and that, far from being a budget for regional Queensland, the increase in 2016-17 on 2015-16 was 12.9% for Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast compared with regional Queensland 4.5%.
547kb (pdf note) Ref:J2909
April, 2016
Information Note: Importance and Chinese Tourism and Cruise Ship Hub
Information note Comment for Cairns Post
28kb (pdf note) Ref:J2969
March, 2016
Residential Population Growth - Cairns / Tropical North Region Continues to Lead in the North.
2014-15 was a poor year for growth in regional Queensland outside the South East corner. However the Cairns region continued to consolidate its position as the fastest growing and most populous in the North with the wider Cairns/Tropical North Queensland region including Cairns City, the immediate region and the Peninsula, Torres and Gulf areas increasing by 2,329 to 282,790.
Census 2016 is likely to see 'on-the-ground' population in the Tropical North Queensland region including visitors pass the 300,000 mark.
224kb (pdf note) Ref:J2971
January, 2016
Statistical Note: Cairns long-term population statistics 1891-2011.
An update of one prepared earlier that now brings the data up to 2011 (based on the last census count).
315kb (pdf note) Ref:J2950
November, 2015
Statistical Note - 2015/16 Queensland Budget and the Cairns Region.
Identified that the Cairns region received the lowest per capita budget allocated for capital works in regional Queensland and has suffered the biggest decline in allocations over the past four years.
398kb (pdf note) Ref:J2909
November, 2015
Statistical Note - Queensland Population Growth Coastal Regional Cities and Immediate Hinterlands.
This research looks at growth in population 1991-2014 Queensland Statistical Regions Level 4 of Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Fitzroy and Wide Bay and contrasts the pattern with Queensland Infrastructure Plan forward projections.
231kb (pdf note) Ref:J2926
November, 2015
Douglas Shire in Tourism Development in Tropical North Queensland.
Bill Cummings presented an address to the 2015 Douglas Business Forum on Thursday the 12th November 2015 on the vital role of Douglas Shire in the development of tourism in tropical North Queensland
October, 2015
Statistical Note : Outback QLD Statistical Division gives population serviced by major regional cities.
200kb (pdf note)
The Tropical Dimension
Early advice of and invitation to record interest in receiving further information about a book by W S (Bill) Cummings being prepared for publication. The book reviews tropical Australia's development in a global context and the geographical and historical reasons for the lag that occurred in development in tropical areas and how and why that lag is now being overcome.
Input/output multiplier tables : North Australia Research Group modified National Data Models have been prepared for the following regions by industry classifications:
Copies are available on application for a fee. For further details, contact cummings@cummings.net.au
October, 2015 Statistical Note : QLD Budget
The 2015-16 Queensland Budget and the Cairns Region : Indicates that the Cairns region received the lowest per capita allocation for capital spending in regional Queensland.
211kb (pdf note)
October, 2015
Statistical Note : Cairns/Tropical North Queensland Reaches 300,000 Population Milestone.
The Cairns based Tropical North Queensland "on the ground" population has passed a major milestone.
At the time of the 2011 Census, ‘on the ground’ population count was 293,000. Residential and visitor population has grown since then and on current trends can be expected to record, in next year’s census, an ‘on the ground’ population of the order of 310,000.
At the time of the 2011 Census, the ‘on the ground’ population was distributed: Cairns, Cassowary Coast and Tablelands area 252,000, Peninsula and Gulf 40,000.
The ‘on the ground’ 2011 Census count for the Cairns/Tropical North Queensland region of 292,000 compares with the other major northern regions of Townsville/Mt Isa region of 257,000 and Northern Territory of 234,000.
August, 2015
Agriculture in the Cairns/Tropical North Queensland Region
Provides a brief note on the new wave of agricultural development now taking place in the region.
396kb (pdf note)
July, 2015
The Cairns Economy and the New Economic Fundamentals "Getting Beyond the Uncertainties"
Bill Cummings presented his annual address to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce on 28th July 2015, with assistance of a ppt presentation.
2mb (pdf presentation)
97kb (pdf text) RefJ2776
July, 2015
Statistical Note
Cairns region is now among Australia's top fruit growing regions.
The Cairns region is now the third largest fruit growing region in Australia with a value of
production in 2012-13 recorded at over $500 million.
224kb (pdf note) RefJ2894
July, 2015
The Tropical Turnaround and Its Implications for the Australian Economy
Paper presented to the Urban and Regional Economics Section of the Australian Conference of Economists held at Queensland University of Technology, 9th July 2015.
1mb (pdf report) RefJ2836
June, 2015
Cairns Shipping Development Project
Cummings Economics provided a submission to the Office of the Coordinator-General commenting on the draft EIS for the Cairns Shipping Development Project, especially on economic aspects.
4.4mb (pdf report) RefJ2865
May, 2015
Long-Term Population Trends in Regional Queensland and Northern Australia
Cummings Economics prepared two research papers for Cairns Regional Council identifying long-term population trends:
In Queensland's regions outside the south-east corner;
In the regions of northern Australia.
The trends are analysed over the 35-year period 1976 to the last figures verified by the 2011 Census and the 20-year 1991 to 2011 and 10-year 2001 to 2011 periods.
They illustrate the leading role in long-term population growth of the Cairns and Wide Bay Burnett regions in Queensland, and the Cairns region and Northern Territory across the North.
Analysis of regional city growth shows similar patterns.
The papers comment on why the patterns have been occurring and provide estimates of 2050 populations based on the 35, 20 and 10-year trajectories continuing.
Nth Australia 1.7mb (pdf report) Qld Regions 1.6mb (pdf report)
March, 2015
FNQ Region's Major Projects & Investments
Cairns Chamber of Commerce has released an updated list detailing $16 billion in projects underway or proposed for the Cairns & Far North Queensland region.
180kb (pdf)
February, 2015
Bill Cummings addressed the Cairns Forum for Business Growth highlighting the favourable impacts on the Cairns economy of a lower dollar and lower interest rates and the surge of new investment taking place.
290kb (pdf note) RefJ2840
Febuary, 2015
The State of Queensland has grown faster than New South Wales and Victoria in recent decades. Why?
This note comments on an erroneous view put forward by the Mayors of South East Queensland - a view that if followed, would cramp Queensland's progress, including the process of Brisbane continuing to close up on Sydney and Melbourne as a competitor metropolitan service centre.
The real direct economic reason is that Queensland has massively increased earnings from the rest of the world outside of Queensland.
The origin of almost all of that increase has been outside of Brisbane and the south east, in northern and central Queensland and the West.
273kb (pdf note) RefJ2833
Febuary, 2015
Helping get electricity prices down
Because of monopolistic situations in electricity distribution, the sector is subject to a high degree of government regulation - regulation at both Federal and State levels that applies whether operations are being carried out by publicly or privately owned operations.
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is currently enquiring into what revenue caps should be placed on the Queensland distribution networks operated by Energex and Ergon over the period 2015-2020.
The following gives submissions prepared by Cummings Economics for a network of electricity users in Far North Queensland and those of some other organisations.
The submission highlights that lying behind sharp rises in electricity costs in recent years, has been shortcomings in the regulatory process for 2010-2015.
It illustrates that the big rises in electricity costs are damaging to the Far North's economy and causing contraction in demand that, in turn, is leading to further price rises.
It argues that not only must prices be curtailed, they must be brought down in real terms.
2.7mb (pdf note) RefJ2809
Febuary, 2015
Note on Recent Exchange Rate Movements
A drop in the value of the Australian dollar against the US dollar is overall, good for Cairns. However the falls were not as strong across all currencies.
369kb (pdf note) RefJ2835
December, 2014
Population of Northern Australia Now Approaching 6% of Australian Total
Growth rate of population of Northern Australia has been out pacing that of Southern Australia and is now approaching 6% of the total.
654kb (pdf note)
December, 2014
Understanding Our Part of the World - Statistical Tables / Charts / Maps
As part of preparation for the Cairns G20 Finance Ministers Conference, Cummings Economics prepared for Cairns Post, some 14 key statistical charts, maps and comments that the region's businesses and organisations are free to use. (We would appreciate attribution.)
570kb (pdf paper)
December, 2014
Major Projects : Cairns and Far North Queensland, 2014
December, 2014
Cairns Region's Position in Manufacturing in Northern Australia
The Cairns Region plays a much stronger role in manufacturing in Northern Australia than many people recognise. The Cairns region has 40% more manufacturing businesses than the next largest, the Townsville region. The region is especially strong in skills based manufacturing (as opposed to mineral processing), and in diversified primary product processing.
252kb (pdf note)
December, 2014
Australian Government Green Paper on Northern Australia
Cummings Economics provided a response to the Green Paper on Northern Australia, interalia, calling for a clearer recognition of the development now taking place in the tropics around the globe (including Australia), the reasons unpinning this long term trend and its implications for tropical Australia.
538kb (pdf note)
November, 2014
Northern Queensland Strategy
Cummings Economics completed during 2014, preparation of a North Queensland Strategy Report for the combined Regional Development Australia covering Fitzroy and Central West, Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday, Townsville North West and Far North Torres Strait.
The report provided Business Cases for the development of:
Regional Roads (other than for the Bruce Highway)
Agricultural Distribution Hubs
Regional Aviation Services
2.7mb (pdf note)
December, 2014
Major Projects : Cairns and Far North Queensland, 2014
The Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning released its 2014 report, Cairns and Surrounding Region Infrastructure Projects, October 2014 : Regional Major Projects Forum.
See link to the report below. Individual presentations made to the forum can also be accessed at:
December, 2014
Cairns Region's Position in Manufacturing in Northern Australia
The Cairns Region plays a much stronger role in manufacturing in Northern Australia than many people recognise. The Cairns region has 40% more manufacturing businesses than the next largest, the Townsville region. The region is especially strong in skills based manufacturing (as opposed to mineral processing), and in diversified primary product processing.
252kb (pdf note)
December, 2014
Australian Government Green Paper on Northern Australia
Cummings Economics provided a response to the Green Paper on Northern Australia, interalia, calling for a clearer recognition of the development now taking place in the tropics around the globe (including Australia), the reasonsunpinning this long term trend and its implications for tropical Australia.
538kb (pdf note)
November, 2014
Note on Recent Exchange Rate Movements
A drop in the value of the Australian dollar against the US dollar is overall, good for Cairns. However the falls were not as strong across all currencies.
369kb (pdf note)
November, 2014
Understanding Our Part of the World - Statistical Tables / Charts / Maps
As part of preparation for the Cairns G20 Finance Ministers Conference, Cummings Economics prepared for Cairns Post, some 14 key statistical charts, maps and comments that the region's businesses and organisations are free to use. (We would appreciate attribution.)
570kb (pdf paper)
July, 2014
Cairns Economy Trends and Prospects
Bill Cummings presented his annual review of the Cairns Economy to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce, noting the upswing now underway and prospects, especially with the proposed Aquis project, of a sustained growth period that could be compared with the upswing over the 12 years 1984 to 1996.
July, 2014
A Note on Urban Growth in Northern Australia - Countering Unrealistic Suggestions
There have been suggestions recently that population growth in Northern Australia would be best promoted by concentrating on building up one city as a ‘metropolitan’ centre with Darwin, Townsville (or Cairns) being canvassed. This suggestion is unrealistic.
This note sets out how these suggestions are unrealistic. They ignore geographic and economic realities, that the North's combined urban centres have been growing at a faster percentage rate than the southern metropolitan centres and much faster than most regional cities.
The note sets out what appropriate policies should be for urban development in Northern Australia.
420kb (pdf text) RefJ2780
January, 2014
Life Expectancies in Tropical Australia Equivalent to the Rest of Australia
The Statistical Note prepared by Cummings Economics sets out information demonstrating that life expectancies in tropical Australia are equivalent to the rest of Australia. The paper sets out how life expectancies are low across Australia for the indigenous population, especially in remote areas. It illustrates that life expectancies across Australia for the non-indigenous population are about the same in tropical Australia as in southern Australia. Any apparent difference in life expectancies in tropical Australia is due to a higher proportion of indigenous population. A more detailed research paper is being developed for later release.
Cummings Economics have been pleased to again complete an assessment of expenditure generated by Cairns Amateurs in the Cairns Economy.
Summary of findings 131kb (pdf Report) RefJ2701
December 2013
Estimates of Cairns Region Fly-in/Fly-Out Workforce
Cummings Economics was pleased to prepare a paper giving estimates of the extent to which the Cairns region had developed as a base for fly-in/fly-out workforce for Skills DMC and Advance Cairns.
November 2013
University Education in Cairns – A Comparative Analysis
This research paper provides an analysis of how the level of university education being achieved in Cairns compared with other regions in Australia based on analysis of 2011 Census data, data from the relevant Commonwealth Department, on enrolments and data from the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre. It indicates Cairns is lagging badly behind national averages per head of population and averages for regional cities with university campuses. A recent Addendum analysing James Cook University’s management structure indicates that only six out of 54 staff positions are based at the Cairns Campus.
June 2013
Economic Cost of Alcohol Related Violence
Bill Cummings was pleased to assist the Queensland Police, Cairns, by preparing and delivering a short note on the cost of alcohol related violence to a conference in Cairns.
April 2013
Maritime Industry Employment in Northern Australia – Statistical Note
New census data available indicates the leading role of the Cairns/Far North Queensland region in employment in the maritime industries in northern Australia.
56kb (pdf Note) RefJ2670
March 2013
Research into Proposed De-amalgamation Cost Mareeba Shire
The potential cost of the proposed de-amalgamation of Mareeba Shire from the Tablelands Regional Council became an important issue during the lead up to the de-amalgamation referendum. Cummings Economics prepared a review of the study on potential de-amalgamation costs of Mareeba Shire prepared by the Queensland Treasury Corporation based on a brief from the Queensland Boundaries Commissioner.
275kb (pdf Report) RefJ2646
23 July, 2013
The Cairns Economy Trends and Prospects
Bill Cummings presented his annual review of the Cairns Economey to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce saying that "Underlying prospects for the Cairns Regional Economy are looking better than they have been since the Global Finnancial Crises five years ago in 2008".
114kb(pdf text)
1mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2683
29 October, 2012
Recent Trends & Prospects in a Diversified Far North Queensland Economy
The address identifies that the region’s ‘outside earnings’ have turned a corner after a slump in tourism earnings with all major sectors of tourism, agriculture, mining, defence and other services, along with import replacement sectors in higher education and health, trending upwards again. ABS data was showing an upswing in employed workforce.
100kb(pdf text)
1.5mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2558
29 October, 2012
Recent Trends & Prospects in a Diversified Far North Queensland Economy
The address identifies that the region’s ‘outside earnings’ have turned a corner after a slump in tourism earnings with all major sectors of tourism, agriculture, mining, defence and other services, along with import replacement sectors in higher education and health, trending upwards again. ABS data was showing an upswing in employed workforce.
100kb(pdf text)
1.5mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2558
29 October, 2012
$9.7bn of Diversified Major Projects Identified in the Cairns and Surrounding Region
This represents a massive rise on the $4.4bn identified in its 2011 publication.
The new publication identifies the growing importance of mining projects in the region totalling $2.9bn, a re-emergence of previously bogged down tourist and urban projects like Ella Bay and the Edmonton Business and Industrial Park totalling $2.4bn, over $600m in expenditure on roads under the National Disaster Relief and Recovery Program, $650m in windfarm projects and $470m in sugar industry projects.
Copies of the Major Project Publication can be obtained from the Department, Tel: 40481111.
October, 2012
Tropical Green Build – Capability Plan & Directory
Cummings Economics with the support of Greenbuild Cairns & Eco Savvy Townsville have completed a major review for the Queensland Government of the capability of businesses in the Tropical North QLD region based on Cairns & Townsville, with united expertise in Tropical Green Building & related services based on input of over 100 firms in the field.
Copies of two documents are now publicly available: 788kb(pdf) RefJ2493 - Capability Plan, Advancing Tropical Green Build Connecting Tropical North Queensland to Market - Executive Summary.
September, 2012
Importance of Cattle Industry in Northern Australia Research Note
In the light of the debate about live cattle exports, Cummings Economics was asked to prepare brief estimates of the value of the industry.
172kb(pdf) RefJ2612
September, 2012
Regional City & Servicing Area Populations in Tropical Australia 2011
Recently released post census revised estimated residential populations provide an opportunity to review comparative sizes of cities and the regional populations they service.
200kb(pdf) RefJ2606
September, 2012
Estimate of Impact of Commonwealth Marine Reserve on the Cairns / Far North Regional Economy
Cairns Regional Council asked Cummings Economics to review Commonwealth Government estimates and report on the potential economic impacts of proposed Marine Reserves. Council submission and full report can be found on the Council website. Summary of findings is givin below.
45kb(pdf) RefJ2606
July, 2012
PNG Gas Developments Conference - Cairns
Bill Cummings presented an address to the conference "The Tropical South West Pacific - Economic Opportunities and Challenges".
119kb(pdf text)
2.77mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2558
26 June, 2012
The Cairns Economy – Trends & Prospects
Bill Cummings presented his annual address to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce on the Cairns Economy saying that he was hopeful that the 2011/12 would prove to be a low point for growth and that 2012/13 would see the growth rate starting to pick up again.
115kb(pdf text)
1.42mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2572
May 2012
The Tablelands Economy
Bill Cummings presented to the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce 2012 Annual Economic Forum an address launching the Chambers Annual Economic Snapshot "The Tablelands Moving Ahead - Growing Our Resilient Economy" on Wed 6th June 2012, Mareeba International Club.
101kb(pdf text)
2mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2471
May 2012
Economic Activity Generated by Rugby League in the Cairns Regional Economy
Cairns Amateurs is not only an important event of the region’s social calendar, it generates substantial expenditure in the community by visitors as well as locals.
Cummings Economics was pleased to be able to research and report on the value of the Amateurs, a summary of which is given below.
121kb (pdf report) RefJ2490
April 2012
Future Workforce Needs in the Cairns Economy
Bill Cummings presented the report and a powerpoint overview to councilors and others from employment, educatioon & training & development agencies on 20th April 2012.
April 2012
The Cairns Story : Some Comparisons With Townsville & other Northern & Regional Cities
This 51 page document provides a geographical and historical background to the growth of the Cairns regional economy, its early and more recent growth including comparisons with the growth of Townsville and other northern and regional cities.
It then goes on to provide a demographic and economic statistical comparison of the cities of Cairns and Townsville.
2.8mb (pdf text) RefJ2545
April 2011
The Outback Way : A Third Trans Continental East West Route Across Australia
Cummings Economics have been pleased to carry out research to update an economic and social impact and benefit cost analysis of the proposal to create direct sealed road route from Western Queensland (Winton) through the Red Centre to Western Australia (Laverton) (The Outback Way). The study indicates that the upgraded road will have massive benefits in directly linking Australia’s major mining areas in Western Australia and Queensland, reducing transcontinental freight costs for tourism and for the improvement of prospects for Indigenous communities along the route.
244kb (pdf text) 2012 Update Study RefJ2494
April 2012
Value Of Mining In Far North Queensland Up In 2010/11 : Research Note
Records the continuing growth of value of mining in Far North Queensland to reach the $1bn mark.
131kb (pdf text) RefJ2551
March 2012
2010/11 Population Figures Cairns & Far North Qld : Research Note
Records the slowing of the city and region’s population growth, but the region’s continued leadership in population in northern Australia.
132kb (pdf text) Ref2550
March 2012
The Position Of Far North Queensland In Manufacturing In Regional Queensland
This brief note records the comparative strength of manufacturing in Far North Queensland, in leading northern Australia in number of manufacturing locations, and in turnover being 77% of the Townsville region and on a par with the Rockhampton/Gladstone area.
149kb (pdf text) RefJ2543
March 2012
International Visitors : Research Note
This research note records that the drop in international holiday purpose visitors to Queensland destinations since 2005 has been worse than national averages.
134kb (pdf text) RefJ2542
December 2011
Being Tropical : The Positives & Negatives For Regional Development
December 2011
Improved Access to the Kimberley Region
Cummings Economics have been pleased to carry out research for the Shire of Halls Creek to update economic impact benefit/cost analysis for proposals to upgrade the Tanami Road (Alice Springs to Halls Creek) as a more direct route between the south and the Kimberley region for freight, Ord produce, tourism and cattle movements and to service mining development along the road that are currently expanding to be worth about $1bn per annum.
2.3mb (pdf report) RefJ2469
November 2011
The Tablelands & A Changed World Economy
Bill Cummings presented an address to the recently reconstituted Atherton District Chamber of Commerce that outlined some of the major implications of the rapid industrialisation taking place in China and India for the region’s economy, including the negative impact of a high Australian dollar on tourism, the increased demand for mining and basic agricultural products taking place and the need for the region to react with improved seaport and connecting land transport infrastructure.
85kb(pdf text)
1.2mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2511
October 2011
Can Cairns Become A Major Mining Services Centre Again
Bill Cummings presented a paper at the “Cairns and Mining Conference” outlining Cairns history as a mining services centre, the expanding value of mining activity taking place in the region including the income being derived from fly-in services to mines outside the region and through supply of goods by ship to mining in the wider area serviced by Cairns across northern Australia, in Papua New Guinea and Papua Indonesia.
Copies of other papers presented to the conference can be accessed by going to www.cairnsandmining.com.au.
104kb(pdf text)
1mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2462
October 2011
Current Infrastructure & the Limitations It Presents To A Growing Far North Queensland Mining Industry
In this paper presented to the “Cairns and Mining Conference”, Bill Cummings identifies a need for the region to upgrade its seaport and land transport infrastructure to benefit from the current high global demand for minerals and energy and development taking place in the immediate Cairns/Tablelands hinterland, the Peninsula, and further afield in Central and Northern Queensland, the Northern Territory, Papua New Guinea and Papua Indonesia.
Copies of other papers presented to the conference can be accessed by going to www.cairnsandmining.com.au.
118kb(pdf text)
2.1mb(pdf presentation) RefJ2462
Annual Presentation to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce
Bill cummings presented his annual address to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce on the Cairns Economy titled "Economic Prospects in a changed Global Economy".
66kb(pdf text)
1.9mb(ppsx presentation) RefJ2478
Sorting out the Far Norths Logistics
Bill cummings presented an address to the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce Tablelands Economic Forum on 29th July 2011 that emphasised the need in the current changed world economy to upgrade road, rail & seaport transport infrastructure in the region with particular emphasis on the need to upgrade the Kuranda Range Road to take B-Double size freight vehicals if renewed opportunities for mining & agricultural expansions were to be realised.
117kb(pdf text)
844kb(pdf presentation) RefJ2456
Are Impacts Broader than Beef
Bill cummings presented an address to the Live Exports Ban Impacts - Pratical Recovery & Restructure Conference Georgetown on 12th August 2011 on the subject "Are Impacts Broader than Beef - The Value of the Beef Industry to the Regional Economy" Link to Agenda
106kb(pdf text)
1.5mb(ppsx presentation) RefJ2475
Cairns’ Hinterland Population Outstripping that of Townsville by a Wide Margin
Latest population statistics indicate the degree to which Cairns is now the capital of the north Australia’s most populous and fastest growing region. Over the period, 2001 to 2010, the region’s residential population grew by 51,000 to 280,000 compared with the Townsville region growth of 41,000 to 261,000.
Cairns’ hinterland population grew by 13,000 from 116,000 to 129,000 compared with Townsville’s hinterland that grew by 3,000 only to stand at 88,000. Cairns’ hinterland population is now 41,000 or 50% more than that of Townsville.
The two cities however each grew by 38,000.
Growth in Estimated Residential Population, 2001 to 2010
Note: Cairns region defined as Far North Qld Statistical Division plus Gulf Shires of North West Division. Townsville region defined as Northern Statistical Division plus Mt Isa & North West Statistical Division less Gulf Shires.
Relations Between Australia & Papua New Guinea in an Age of Opportunity
On 16th June, Bill Cummings presented an address to the PNG Gas Developments Conference held in Cairns on the subject “Relations Between Australia & Papua New Guinea in an Age of Opportunity” that highlighted the growing economic strengths of the northern regions of Australia and their growing role in strengthening relations between Australia and PNG.
111kb(pdf text)
4.7mb(ppsx presentation) RefJ2423
Economic Prospects for Cairns Over the Next Few Years
ABS 2009/10 Population Figures - Good News for Cairns Region
Latest ABS residential population data recording 2.6% growth in 2009/10 for Cairns & 2.0% for the Cairns Region (Far North Queensland) statistical division area. Good news for the Cairns Economy 86kb(pdf text) RefJ2435
Bill Cummings presented an address to the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce at the launch of the Mareeba Chamber Annual Report "Strength in Diversity - An Economic Snapshot". For copies of the report contact Mareeba Chamber of Commerce, Tel 40926050 or promotion@mareebachamber.com.au
3.9mb(ppsx presentation) RefJ2416
Economic Prospects for Cairns Over the Next Few Years
Bill Cummings presented an address to Cairns Branch of Marine Queensland on the 9th March 2011, addressing likely future prospects, especially for the residential marine market. In the process, it looks at the ups and downs of the Cairns economy since the 1980’s and the underlying factors causing strong accelerations and slow downs against a background of strong long term average growth of population around 3% per annum over each of the past three decades.
87kb(pdf text)
750kb(ppsx presentation) RefJ2413
The Primary Industries in the Regional Economies of Northern Queensland
Bill Cummings presented a paper to the AGInvestForum, CAIRNS 2010, giving details of the full value of the primary industries (agriculture, livestock, fishing and forest industries), in the Far North, North and North West Statistical Divisions. The research included both pre farm-gate and post farm-gate activities including processing, transport, merchanting, and other value added and associated government and education services. The study values the sector’s turnover at $3.3bn with direct employment of over 17,000 with ‘flow-on’ employment generated estimated at a further 21,000. It is estimated that the sector’s value add to the regional economy including ‘flow-on’ impacts accounts for about 14% of Gross Regional Value Added. 58kb(pdf text)
2.56mb(pps presentation) RefJ2315
For a full copy of the Research Paper
The Contribution of the Primary Industries Sector to Northern Queensland Regional Economies. 859kb(pdf text) RefJ2315
Cairns & Far North Q’ld – Mining & Industrial Services Opportunity Study – 2010 Update
Cummings Economics have recently completed an update of their ground breaking study into service opportunities in the mining sector across northern Australia (Mackay, Pilbara northwards) and into Papua New Guinea and Papua Indonesia. 4.23mb(pdf report) RefJ2288
North Queensland Resources Development, 3rd Annual Conference, Townsville
Bill Cummings presented a paper to the North Queensland Resources Conference entitled Mining & Industrial Services Opportunity Study 2010 Update that outlines the background to the main findings from the study. 77kb(pdf text)
6.56mb(pps presentation) RefJ2358
2010 Presentation on the Cairns Regional Economy to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce
Bill Cummings presented his annual review of the Cairns’ regional economy to a Cairns Chamber of Commerce luncheon on 24th August 2010. 54.3kb(pdf text)
2.27mb(pps presentation) RefJ2368
The Cairns Region’s Contribution to Queensland’s Population Growth
Bill Cummings presented a paper to a seminar conducted by the Queensland Government Planning Information & Forecasting Unit in Cairns on 5th August 2010. The paper aims to briefly illustrate the long-term pattern of population growth in regional Queensland over the last three decades. It illustrates how the State’s previously underdeveloped northern regions and cities have grown fastest especially the higher rainfall cities & regions of Cairns and Mackay. 39kb(pdf text)
1.75mb(pps presentation) RefJ2366
Cairns Tourism & The Economy – The Coming Bounce Back
Cummings Economics prepared a paper based on information to February 2010 identifying why Cairns’ tourism and the economy could be expected to move back into growth progressively during 2010. 110kb(pdf text) RefJ2309
A Direct Route to the Kimberley Region
Cummings Economics have been pleased to carry out for the Halls Creek Shire WA an economic impact / benefit cost report on the upgrading of the Tanami Road, linking the Kimberley region direct via major mining operations to Alice Springs and Australia’s major population and industry base in south eastern Australia. 5.01mb(pdf text) RefJ2247
Note on Population Growth 2008/09
Looks at the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics population estimates for major regions and cities across Northern Australia. 36kb(pdf text) RefJ2335
Note re ABS Employment Unemployment figures
Comments on recent trends in the Australian Bureau of Statistics labour force series, recent and likely future trends. 30kb(pdf text) RefJ2321
Submission re Wild Rivers legislation
A personal submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Commitee enquiry into the QLD Wild Rivers legislation, particularly on the underlying potential of the Cape for agricultural and pastoral development. 521kb(pdf text) RefJ2332
Value of and Prospects for Agriculture in Far North Queensland (Peninsula Australia)
This paper briefly canvasses the value of agriculture in the regional economy, its historical challenges, contributions to recent growth and future prospects. 318kb(pdf text) RefJ2307
A Central Transcontinential Route Across Australia
Cummings Economics are currently updating studies into the benefits and costs of sealing a third trans-continental route across Australia The Outback Way from Western Queensland to Laverton and Kalgoorlie in Western Australia via Alice Springs directly linking Australia's two great mining regions in Queensland and Western Australia.
27.11.09 Marine Industry Capability Profile
The aim of this report is to provide a capability profile of the Far North Queensland region’s marine industries, including their competitive and comparative advantages, and any deficits or gaps. 6.73mb(pdf text)
Note on Comparative Transient Population Levels, Australian Cities
There is a widespread myth that Cairns has a highly transient population.
Certainly, Cairns has a high level of visitor population, some of whom will seek work during their visit, especially backpackers. However, when population excluding visitors is looked at, a very different picture emerges. 56kb(pdf text)
10.09.09 Economic Impact of James Cook University
Prepared in association with D.S Enterprises, Townsville. 1.8mb(pdf text) RefJ2193
31.08.09 Research Note - Manufacturing
Latest ABS statistics indicate Cairns / Far North Queensland region recorded a strong growth in manufacturing 2001/02 to 2006/07 and continues to lead the north in number of manufacturing locations. 37kb(pdf text)
26.08.09 Cairns Chamber of Commerce Annual Review
Bill Cummings presented his annual review of recent movements and short to medium term prospects of the Cairns economy at the August luncheon for the Cairns Chamber of Commerce, entitled "Understanding the Challenges" 90kb(pdf text)
703kb(pps presentation)
13.08.09 Cairns Arrives on List of Australia's Main Cities
The once remote tropical outpost of 60 years ago with a population of 16,000 in 1947 has now made it to the list of Australia's main cities. 30kb(pdf text)
07.08.09 Mareeba Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Forum
Bill Cummings' presentation to the forum on 31st July 2009 entitled, "Tablelands, Cape & Gulf, Economic Challenges & Opportunities". 53kb(pdf text)
1.3mb(pps presentation)
22.04.09 Note on Population Growth in the North, 2007/08
Recently released Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data for estimated residential population for 2007/08 reveal the extent of the strong economic growth taking place across the north in the 12 months up to June 2008.
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02.12.08 Address to Weipa Chamber of Commerce
Bill Cummings presented an address to the Weipa Chamber of Commerce in Weipa, 2nd December 2008.
90kb(pdf text)
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25.11.08 2008 Annual Address to Cairns Chamber of Commerce
Bill Cummings presented his annual address to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce on current trends in the Cairns economy, 25th November 2008.
88kb(pdf text)
1.3mb(pps presentation)
18.11.08 Address to Flinders Shire Water Development Forum, Hughenden
Bill Cummings presented a paper on behalf of the North Australia Research Group on the "Social and Economic Benefits of Irrigation Developments in the Flinders River Catchment", 18 th November 2008.
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18.11.08 Use of Economic Multipliers in Regional Areas and Government Services
This note to the Australian and New Zealand Regional Science Association Newsletter identifies important limitations of multipliers in relation to State and Federal Government service provisions. 16kb(pdf text)
12.11.08 Address to Civil Contractors Federation, Cairns
Bill Cummings presented an address to the Civil Contractors Federation in Cairns , 12th November 2008. 82kb(pdf text)
262kb(pps presentation)
31.10.08 Address to James Cook University Tourism Symposium, Cairns
Bill Cummings presented an address entitled “The Decisive Role of Small to Medium Sized Firms in the Development of Tourism in Queensland ’s Tropical North”, 31 st October 2008. 101kb(pdf text)
8.3mb(pps presentation)
Address to Mareeba Chamber of Commerce – Inaugural Economic Development Forum
Bill Cummings presented an address entitled “The Tablelands - One Big Economy – Breakdown of Towns, Current Activity and Future Projects”, 14 th August 2008 41kb(pdf text)
2.1mb(pps presentation)
Address to Certified Practising Accountants, Cairns
Bill Cummings presented an address entitled “Cairns Economy - Realities, Successes, Failures and Lessons – Where To From Here?” 54kb(pdf text)
3.1mb(pps presentation)
Cairns Far Northern Queensland Mining Services Study
The study was carried out for DEEDI and the Cairns Chamber of Commerce. It identifies operating and proposed mines and exploration activity across Northern Australia, Papua New Guinea and Eastern Indonesia, current air services to mines and opportunities to provide services especially workforce based on research in the first half of 2008. 4.6mb(pdf text) RefJ2070
08.05.08 Note on "Estimated Residential Population Growth", 2006/07
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04.09.07 2007 Annual Address to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce
Bill Cummings presented his annual address to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce on current trends in the Cairns' economy on Tuesday 28th August, 2007. 62kb(pdf text)
537kb(pps presentation) RefJ1990
April 2007
The Torres Strait Economy & prospects
Cummings Economics carried out a wide ranging study into the economy of the Torres Strait area that sought to identify opportunities. 1mb Report on Economic Opportunities 313kb Supplementary Report
24.10.06 2006 Annual Address to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce
Bill Cummings presented his annual address to the Cairns Chamber of Commerce on current trends in the Cairns' economy on Tuesday 24th October, 2006. 62kb(pdf text)
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27.07.06 Note on Manufacturing in the Cairns Region.
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26.06.06 Airfreight Exports from Northern & Far North Queensland
Cummings Economics has been pleased to complete, in conjunction with Advance Cairns, a study and report for the Airfreight Council of Queensland on airfreight exports from the Cairns, northern Queensland area.
The study indicated a high proportion of the region’s fishery output was being exported by air via Cairns airport, especially to Asian markets. Relatively little diversion was taking place via Brisbane and Sydney airports except for commodities for North American, Middle East and European markets not serviced with direct flights out of Cairns.
In strong contrast however, a large diversion of fruit and vegetables was found to be taking place to be exported via Brisbane and Sydney airports with Cairns airport accounting for only 13% of the region’s fruit and vegetable exported by air. Factors found to be causing this included:
Availability of special ‘negotiated’ freight rates through Sydney and Brisbane airports not available via Cairns airport combined with relatively low road transport costs to Brisbane and Sydney.
The relatively narrow range of fruit and vegetables able to be exported to Japan, a market in which the Cairns region has an air freight services advantage over other Australian sources.
Seasonality of crops like mangoes and lack of capacity to carry seasonal peaks to markets like Hong Kong and Singapore linked by direct services from Cairns.
Cairns economist, Bill Cummings, provided his annual assessment of recent trends and short-term prospects for the Cairns economy to the September luncheon meeting of the Cairns Chamber of Commerce. 30kb(pdf text)
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08.07.05 Launch of the Cairns 2020/2050 Business Research Manual Project
Cairns economist, Bill Cummings, provided an outline of the “Cairns 2020/2050 Business Research Manual” project at a special function held at the Cairns City Council Chambers last night. For further details of the project contact Cummings Economics on Tel (07) 4031 2888 Email: cummings@cummings.net.au.
31.08.05 Direct Freight & Road Route Cairns to Melbourne
The Hann Highway Action Group has presented to the Queensland Minister for Main Roads a report prepared by W S Cummings entitled “The Hann Highway Development Report – An Economic Impact Cost Benefit Analysis of Upgrading the Lynd Hughenden Section of the Kennedy Developmental Road”. The link is the last unsealed section of a direct inland route from the Cairns/Tablelands area to Melbourne and Adelaide. Its sealing will provide :
Major freight efficiencies for movement of produce from the Cairns/Tablelands region to markets in Melbourne and Adelaide and reverse movements.
Major benefits for movement of cattle between the north and fattening areas and feedlots in the south.
A major improvement in direct tourism links between the Cairns region and Queensland ’s outback region and the Alice Springs/Red Centre area.
Further details available on request.
26.04.05 Australian City Growth Patterns 2002 - 2003
This brief paper identifies the changed pattern of growth of Australian cities in recent years. 57kb(pdf text)
29.03.05 Cairns House Prices
Latest data indicates that Cairns median house prices continued to rise in the December Qtr 2004, but at a slower rate. 21kb(pdf text)
29.03.05 Building Approvals
Seven months data to January 2005 indicates the Far North Statistical Division is on track to reach record value building approvals in financial year 2004/05. 22kb(pdf text)
29.03.05 North Australia Population Growth 2003-04
Latest ABS data indicates the Cairns based Far North Statistical Division continued to lead residential population growth in Northern Australia, but that Townsville city growth continues to be ahead of Cairns city. 44kb(pdf text)
22.03.05 Statistical Snippet
Population of Cape York Peninsula & Torres Strait Islands is now over the 20,000 mark. 37kb(pdf text)
23.02.05 International Education in the Cairns Region
Study Cairns (an organisation representing the international education providers in the Cairns area) yesterday released a summary of findings of a study into the economic impacts of the international education sector in the Cairns region prepared by Cummings Economics. For further details of Study Cairns, see website www.studycairns.com.au. For summary of report findings, click pdf. 96kb(pdf text)