Australia and the Tropical Turnaround - Part 1 The Tropical Lag
This is part of a wider work aimed at identifying the lag in development in the tropics that occurred in recent centuries, why it occurred and its implications for national and global economic development policies, and the turnaround that has been taking place in recent decades.
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Perspective on the Causes of the Global Financial Crises
This paper highlights the contribution of an over reliance on interest rates in western economies to control national economies, to the global imbalances that underpinned the global financial crisis.
75kb(pdf text) RefJ2304
Anticipating the Global Financial Crisis
Current soul searching in the economics profession about failures to predict and avoid the current global financial crisis, highlight the significance of an article by Bill Cummings published in the Cairns Post in May 2007 expressing concern about whether the Australian Treasury, The Reserve Bank and the economics profession in general were 'getting it right'.
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Globalisation & Northern Australia
Understanding the impacts of world economics on the regions of Northern Australia and subsequent impacts on the national economy.
Paper presented by W.S.Cummings to the
Inaugural Regional Research Colloquium, Canberra 19 Feb 2004.
75kb(pdf text) IRRC Paper
36kb(pdf text) IRRC Notes
1mb(pdf text) IRRC Tables
Behind Cairns Growth
"A Successful Regional Economic Development Strategy" paper presented by W.S. Cummings to the Economic Society of Australia Conference of Economists, Gold Coast, September 1994
3.5mb(pdf text)
The Tropical Turnaround
"The Impact of a Successful Northern Australia on Australia's Economic Progress & Policies Since the 1960's. Paper presented by W.S.Cummings to the
Economic Society of Australia Conference of Economists, Gold Coast, July 2000.
133kb(pdf text)