Cummings Economics
Cummings Economics was first established in 1982 as W S Cummings Economic Research Services by WS & JG Cummings to provide economic and market research services based in Cairns, Australia, and based on the skills and experience of the firm’s partners (see key personnel).Today, Cummings Economics offers:
- Access to highly professional skills and experience in economic research and analysis.
- Access to the firm’s library and to data resources built up over decades of economic research.
The firm offers a wide range of services, including:- Regional economic analysis and strategies.
- Identifying impacts of individual industries on regional economies.
- Preparation of statements on regional economic structure and trends (short and long-term).
- For prospectuses and capital raising.
- For bank finance.
- For intra company investment decisions.
- As background to marketing of properties and services.
- Preparation of background information to assist in making submissions to government.
- Demand assessments for specific projects and full feasibility studies as required.
- Benefit cost analysis of projects.
- Needs analysis for town planning, liquor and other licenses and court cases.
- Service catchment demographics.
- Project economic impacts.
- Almost anything with an economic argument involved.
Because of its location, the firm has developed a very strong capability in the regions and industries of Australia ’s tropical north east. It also has a special capability in the economics of tourism and infrastructure development.