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The city of Cairns in Australia's tropical north east is continuing its track record as one of the fastest growing centres in Australia, a city that has been roughly doubling its population every 20 years from barely 20,000 in the 1950's to over 120,000 today.

Clearly, Cairns is on the way to becoming a city of strategic national importance.

The Cairns 2020/2050 Business Research Manual looks back on 50 years of economic history to identify the underlying factors that led to a remote tropical outpost at the end of the line, a thousand miles away from the State capital, emerging as the vibrant, modern gateway city it is today.

It then looks forward over a similar time frame at forces that are likely to underpin the region's continuing rapid growth and the form this growth is likely to take.

2.9mb Summary & Overview

To obtain a copy of the full report, please contact Cummings Economics | ph: (07) 40312888